Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
I Created You with So Much Love, You Have Denied Me, You Have Betrayed Me
Message from Our Lord Jesus to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 23, 2023

The Lord says:
The gates of hell shall not prevail! Here is the Lord returning, He will manifest His righteousness.
Prepare yourselves, O men, prepare yourselves, O all you who are far from God, hasten to Me, hasten to Me, kneel to your God. Abandon the things of the world, life on this earth is about to be changed, everything will be transformed, the God of eternal Love is coming to renew everything!
Oh men, oh My children, how much pain in Me, how much pain! How great is this infinite passion, interminable everything! You continue to pierce Me, on this cross I hang still for your sins!
I am your God. I created you with so much love, you have denied Me, betrayed Me, given yourselves to the enemy.
My children, My pain is infinite. Now I will come down from this cross, I will come down from this cross, I will cleanse this Earth of all the rottenness of Satan and I will chase to Hell with him all the traitors, all the evildoers; I will take My People with Me, I will open the holy door and I will make them pass through there, I will put them in My garden, I will put them to enjoy a new life, true life, REAL LIFE, eternal life in Me.
What Adam denied together with Eve, behold I will reform it in a new and holy Land. My faithful people, by obedience to Me will be received into My New Land and will be set to enjoy eternally in My All, My infinite Good.
I am here with you. The Most Holy Trinity has descended on this hill, embracing you, blessing you.
Do not deviate from these messages, respond to the Lord, follow the Holy Gospel, My children, the Holy Gospel. Pray, kneel down, ask for forgiveness. The Earth will now be transformed. This Humanity will be lost if it does not return to Me.
I am now on Earth, My children, I have decided to renew this world, I have decided My children, I have decided to say My Enough! Enough! Enough! I see your suffering. My Most Holy Mother is suffering, My Most Holy Mother is weeping, My Most Holy Mother is begging the Father to put an end to everything, to all this pain that is on Earth. She wants to save Her children as I want to save My children.
Gather in prayer, My children! This hill is waiting to be enjoyed because God will soon manifest Himself in this hill. Behold, you still do not believe My words but soon you will believe again because all that I have said will be revealed in your eyes. All the things that I have announced to you will be manifested because the Word of God is One. One! Do not turn your backs on Me, do not be foolish, My children, I still notice on you foolishness, treachery, avarice, denial to Me Who am your God. I have welcomed you to take you with Me to enjoy a life in the eternal jubilation of love!
I am here and bless you, My children. Still I call you, especially you who are still far away and do not want to return to Me. I am compelled to cause this world to be changed through the catastrophes that will now follow one after another. Your choice has been that of the world. Behold, I must save My children, I must put an end to this disaster in your hearts. Return to Me quickly, the hour is over.
In the Name of the Father, in the Name of the Son and the Holy Spirit, I bless this hill, every person who will set foot on it. Come, My children, come and you will be welcomed by your Father, you will be embraced by your Blessed Mother, you will be renewed in heart. Do not keep your commitments on this Earth, it is no use. Give up everything, My children, keep in your heart only prayer, the rosary in your hands and a pure life following the Holy Gospel. I am not telling you to give up your work but I am telling you to put God first, then all things will be given to you accordingly. Amen.
Source: ➥